Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dare I Say, Too Much in May!

Mother's Day came and went by all too quickly. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had a lovely day, but it just seems like each year we all try to pack in more and more events in May. Is it just me or don’t you find that May is totally over-scheduled, over-loaded and extremely hectic? Here we are at the tail end of the month and I have already lost track of how many work events, birthday celebrations, recitals, graduations and bridal showers I’ve attended this month. Don’t even get me started on the TV season finales that all take place in May. I missed all my favorites!

I have a great idea. I want to launch a campaign and lobby to take some of our totally under-used months (January through April) and stick them with a few of these “May Happenings”.

Ok, we start with January. I don’t know if it’s all the resolutions that are so easy to break on January 2nd, but January can be a total let down after all the holiday hub-bub. I think we all need to kick it up a notch by the end of the month, otherwise we’ll go into complete hibernation. This could be a great month to have "online" events - so people wouldn't have to freeze their tukas's off by venturing out in the dead of winter. Think about it, we could save so much money on wardrobe alone if people would just start to be thoughtful and have their birthday celebrations in their own homes and broadcast live, on-line for us all to enjoy. I’d be happy to raise a glass to a dear friend from the comfort of my own home. No getting dressed up, no driving in bad weather, no boring small talk with the person they would have sat you next to at the dinner table. Win-win.

February. Well, yes we do have that hallmark holiday “Valentines Day” that’s slipped into the most miserable month weather-wise just to make us all feel equally miserable about our lack of relationships, or better yet, a perfect month to realize how un-perfect our “sweethearts” are! Let’s stick all of our recitals into February, and once again, let’s make them all virtual. It’ll be so easy to sit in our cozy pj’s, sipping hot chocolate while we pretend to listen to our friends 4th grade daughter play her clarinet recital via on-line! But, for those adventurous types we could create a “Martini Ground Hogs Day” celebration and, YES, let's make them "dirty martinis". Now that could get me out of the house!

March. If you’re feeling Irish, you have your St. Paddy’s day. Great night, but it’s only a night. Let’s throw all the bridal showers into March. Girls, you should be going away with your friends to Aruba for your shower anyway. Sun, friends, beach, margaritas. Come on, it should be mandatory.

April. Of course in New England we are coming out of our winter thaw so I think this is the perfect month for work events so they won't overlap with graduations in May. But let’s limit our work events to only ones where they have really good food, and really great drinks and offer some really easy parking!

May. Has to be reserved for MOMS and Grads. It’s the end of the school year and the college grads are finally giving their Moms what they really want by hopefully getting off the payroll! (Although I have been told by my adult children that living at home is now considered "cool".)

June-September. My favorite time here in New England, as we may be guaranteed at least a few weeks of beautiful weather. Of course there will always be some weddings filling the calendar. I have no problem with that. I love the Macarena.

October. So beautiful. The time of year we start getting our groove back from the relaxing summer, but before the craziness of holiday planning. Perfect time for those fundraising events. Happy to go.

November. Before you know it, it's Thanksgiving and right through to Christmas and New Years and my gosh, where did the year go?


1 comment:

et said...

cool is right!!