Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So the holidays are over and with the new year comes resolutions and goals, but how about a little relaxation? With all the travel or hosting your family what we all need how is some rest, a good nights sleep. These days television is littered with ads for various sleep medications, but that should be a last resort. Any sleep center or expert will tell you there are many steps involved in getting a better night's sleep, they include routines, less caffeine and most importantly a comfortable place to sleep. So how is that mattress you sleep on every night? I recently discovered how valuable mine is as I went traveling for the holidays. Once I diverted from my ultra comfortable memory foam mattress I experienced the horror of a restless night's sleep on someone's old standard spring mattress. So you thought your mattress was fine but you are still having trouble sleeping? Do you share the bed with a tosser or a turner? Stop in and check out the Circle Furniture Private Mattress collection and see what a difference foam makes. Before you go here are some helpful tips to picking out a memory foam mattress from Google and Wickipedia:

How to Buy a Memory Foam Mattress

Looking for some zzzz on a memory foam mattress? Before you walk into a mattress store get the facts by following the steps in this how-to.


  1. Make sure the memory foam is of high enough density to support your body properly. The best way to know is to check the package for the density of the foam. Cheap foam is normally 2 to 3 lb. density, mid-grade foam is 3 to 4.5 lb. density and good foam is over 4.5 lb. density. Usually, 5.3 lb. to 6.2 lb is considered the ideal density to properly support the human body. The lighter grade foam won't support you and will quit returning to its original shape after only a few months.
  2. Look for memory foam that is temperature sensitive. The one thing that makes Memory Foam so unique is temperature sensitivity. When you first lay down on a memory foam mattress, your body weight causes the mattress to "melt away" from that pressure until your weight is spread evenly over the surface of the mattress. However, after you "settle in," your body temperature begins to affect the material, causing it to soften in the places where there is increased temperature. This fine tuning is what accounts for the unmatched comfort of the genuine memory foam mattresses.
  3. Read the warranty information carefully. See exactly what will be required of you when you have a warranty issue. Will you be responsible for shipping, packaging, etc.? Most importantly, how long has the manufacturer been in business? A lifetime warranty from a company that's only been in business for a short while is probably worthless.
  4. Check for ample testing done with real people. Many times, testing done in laboratories, without humans, isn't a true picture of what happens out in the "field." The human body is unique and it affects materials differently than a mechanical testing device.
  5. Ask for a "comfort test" period. You should be able to sleep on a memory foam mattress for a short period, to see if you have any issues. If elect to try the mattress it will be covered in plastic to ensure it remains sanitary and the company can re-sell it if you return it. This will limit your ability to truly feel the benefits. If A high percentage of people love memory foam mattresses, but a few don't. Know what to expect if you are one of the few. Will you be able to get a refund of all your money? Or is there a re-stocking fee? Will you be required to "exchange only" with that merchant? If so, make sure they carry a wide variety of products so you'll have lots of choices.


  • Get a written "comfort guarantee." Make sure it's at least 10-14 days or more.
  • If you can take ice, in a zip lock bag, you can verify if the material is temperature sensitive. It will become firmer in the place you put the ice after 5-15 minutes.


  • Most people don't realize how heavy a solid foam mattress is. Solid memory foam or regular foam mattresses are a real job to move or even to turn around even for two healthy people, and you surely don't want to carry one up stairs.
  • Nothing lasts forever.
  • Salespersons will try to give you "facts" which will favor their product, no matter how inferior, so just remember density, temperature sensitivity and reading all you can about memory foam to be educated before you buy and you'll be happy with your purchase.
  • Foam mattresses act like sponges, this means they absorb liquid. You should always use a waterproof mattress protector when you set up your memory foam mattress to prevent liquid from getting into the memory foam and to keep you sleeping cool during hot weather.
  • Many memory foam mattresses are manufactured in China. Some of the latest products coming out of China are of super high quality and chemical free. Ask for the details of manufacture before you buy.

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