Friday, January 29, 2010

Shout It From The Rooftops!

Many of you are acquainted with the Queen Bee, right? So tomorrow is the big day for the Queen Bee's niece Amy. She and her beau Mike, are tying the knot in Jamaica and we couldn't be happier for them!

If anyone knows Amy, you know that she can light up a room as soon as she's even in the vicinity of that room! Amy is famous for her huge smile and big heart. Mike is a doll as well so everyone is super excited for the big event.

Of course, they left us here in Boston, a.k.a. Antarctica, to fly South to Jamaica for the big event...I guess we can forgive them for that. I mean, they couldn't really send the entire staff of Circle Furniture out of the country this weekend, what with it being the last weekend of the January sale, right?

So we'll be here, holding down the fort, while Jamaica warms the happy couple. Congrats to Amy and Mike - we can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures. And, for those of you who really know the Queen Bee, you know they'll be wild stories and crazy pictures!

And if you haven't listened to Bob Marley in awhile, do yourself a favor and throw some on in your car or on your IPod. It's amazing how a little Reggae can warm even the coldest of spirits! "Don't worry, bout' a thing...cuz every little thing, gonna be alright."

1 comment:

AmyD said...

I just read the furniture for for real life comment. And i have to laugh because i have so many fun and just great solid memories living on cirlce furniture. I even got engaged on this big ole blue American Leather ultra suede beauty. Family, friends visitors, anyone who stops by; everyone has had a laugh or 2 when we hang out on our real life furniture. I love my furniture, i love the circle crew and i love my real life!