Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gearing Up!

With Earth Day soon approaching (April 22nd) we're in the mood to talk sustainability. I know, I know...you're used to hearing the word "green" but what does green really mean?

If you go to Google search, type in the word green, I'm happy to say the first thing that comes up is Green Day (such a good band) but if you type in "green products" a plethora of offerings show up. Green products for the home, the kids, the pets, the garden, the car. But what makes it green? Anyone can just slap a sticker on a product and call something green, but, what is it really?

We think, first and foremost, it's all about sustainability. At Circle there are different ways we strive for sustainability. First, we know if a product lasts that translates into less waste, which has less environmental impact than something you would use and throw out in a year. Second, our hardwood products from our vendors like Copeland Furniture in Vermont, are made from sustainably harvested forests. Meaning? The woods used come from forests which are not threatened and do not contain genetically modified trees. What else keeps our environment sustainable to live in? When creating these beautiful wood products our vendors are using water based finishes, reducing the amount of VOC emissions, along with burning less fuel and using more health-conscious packing materials.

So today we celebrate Copeland Furniture and our other wood vendors for their on-going efforts towards creating sustainable furniture. We're proud to be founding members of the Sustainable Furnishings Council and for more information, check out their website to find out whose becoming more and more sustainable everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears we over here at Schneiderman's Furniture in Minnesota are of like mind with you this week. We just touted Cresent Furniture on our blog. They are also founding members of the Sustainable Furnishings Council. It feels good to be working with Furniture Vendors who are taking steps to ensure a green and healthy future for us all.

- Carrie Andersen
Schneiderman's Furniture

PS - I've been reading your blog for awhile and really love it. Thanks!