Monday, July 27, 2009

Fear No More with FLOR

So I've never been much on carpets, rugs, wall-to-wall, shags. I was a hardwood floor kind of girl. It's pretty obvious to me where this bias came from. Growing up my mom had to have a wall-to-wall, bright white, shag rug. Really. Yes, it was the most comfortable feeling under the toes but wow...was it a challenge to keep clean! Ok, so we didn't have any pets but we had six people living under one roof and that creates a lot of footprints. My brothers played soccer, lacrosse, sister was constantly drinking cranberry juice and seltzer while watching General Hospital after school. I was always barefoot outside and tracking mud into the five different rooms this rug prevailed upon. It was like everywhere I went there was rug. No escaping.

"Take your shoes off inside this house!" was heard every hour coming from my mom. Poor thing. Trying to keep that stupid rug clean for her cocktail parties, volunteer meetings and holiday gatherings. We got to know the professional rug cleaners by name. Not kidding. In fact, my mom used to give the guys presents for their kids at Christmas. Bless her heart. So yes, keeping a rug clean and looking pristine has always seemed like a nightmare to me.

And then came FLOR. Alas. FLOR. It's like the miracle of the rug world. You can create your own look with these 20" square modular rug tiles, in many different styles and colors and be rest assured that you can clean it without hiring a professional cleaner. These tile are so easy to install and clean it's unbelievable. If you spill something on the rug you can actually take the tile up and wash it in the sink with soap and water, then re-install just by using another non-toxic adhesive to connect back to the other tiles. It's really that easy.

Since FLOR, my place is so much more warm and cozy. I didn't have to spend a fortune; I don't have to take my shoes off and I always get compliments on the rug I created. Ah...thank you FLOR.

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