Friday, July 10, 2009

Lucy in the Sky

You may have known her as that good looking dog on the couch, but we knew her as Lucy. We lost our beloved Lucy on July 3, 2009. She was truly loved and she will be sadly missed. She was the best dog ever (right up there with Garp b.1979-d.1995) and she loved us right back. Whether it was a swim in White Pond or just walking in the woods, there was always a bounce in her step and a wag in her tail. She was amazing in that she loved to fetch soccer balls and chew rocks; she went through a lot of them. People could not believe how this little dog, she once was small before she got rubenesque, could grab onto a soccer ball and catch it mid air and she could do this for hours at a time. Max would sit in his room doing his homework and he would throw a tennis ball out the window and Lucy would go 2 flights of stairs and run outside through her door and retrieve the ball run back up and max would throw it again, on and on. But then Lucy couldn’t do the stairs any longer, and she was always brave through the pain and never let it slow down her enthusiastic greeting as you came in the door.
Thank you for all the love and good times.

Look out for Lucy's final appearance in our ad this Sunday, mention the ad in store and get a free hug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear Lucy is in the sky now. A terrific dog and saw her, much to my amazement, grab soccer balls out of the air. When we carried Lucy over a few weeks ago to rest on our deck for an afternoon visit and TLC, the wagging tail and bright eyes were ever present despite the obvious pain.