Thursday, August 13, 2009

Return to the Classics

Last night I went to see Cat Power at the Pavilion on the waterfront in Boston. Don't you love going to shows there in the summer? Turns out Juliette Lewis, the actress, was the opening act. This could be another blog in it's own right, she is a trip to watch and that girl can sing. Anywho, The headliner was The Pretenders. Here's where I admit I never really got into The Pretenders when I was growing up. Thought Chrissie Hynde was super cool, but never appreciated the tunes. Last night was definitely an eye-opener.

Cat Power was great, voice unbelievable and her band was spot-on. After she was over we waited for The Pretenders to come on - mildly excited. Then she appreared, Chrissie Hynde. In her standard outfit from what, 25 years ago, of tight pants, tank top and a vest looking as cool as ever. She started rockin' right away and her band was outrageous. Chrissie Hynde is classic. Her voice sounded amazing and the show just took off. It was such a good time. And what made the show so good? Chock it up to experience.

As I was driving to work this am I thought about how crazy it is that WBCN, after over 40 years on air, is no longer WBCN. I grew up with WBCN. I loved WBCN. I even had a friend call me from Seattle to commiserate over the end of an era. Classic. They were classic. They had experience. They knew how to play rock-n-roll.

I think in this time of instant gratification, instant messaging and instant anything-you-want, we all need to step back and appreciate the classics. I think of Circle Furniture as a classic. Family-owned for over 55 years. What does that mean? It means the owners have this business running through their veins. It means they have experience and knowledge about selling quality furniture. They have made mistakes and learned from them. They may not play quitar and wear tight pants anymore but the fact is they can still rock a great showroom and wow an audience with their second-to-none products and service.

So here's a standing O for Circle, Chrissie, WBCN and all the other classics out there that are still chuggin' along - doin' their thing and doing it well!

1 comment:

Erica said...

whoa? what happened to WBCN?